Industrial-Standard Configuration for RAID, File Server, and Checkpoint Firewall with VLANs at CMD Trivandrum


CMD Trivandrum aimed to implement an industrial-standard configuration for their infrastructure, including RAID configuration, installation of an HPe Server machine with Windows Server 2020, configuration of a file server, and setup of a Checkpoint firewall with VLANs. This case study outlines the actions taken to configure RAID for data redundancy and performance, install and configure the file server on an HPe Server machine, and configure the Checkpoint firewall with VLANs to provide secure access to the file server. The successful implementation resulted in an efficient and secure infrastructure for file storage and access.

Scope of Work

The project’s scope involved the following key areas:

Actions Taken
RAID Configuration

RAID was configured to provide data redundancy and improved performance. The specific RAID level and configuration were selected based on the organization’s requirements and the available storage devices

HPe Server Installation and File Server Configuration

An HPe Server machine was installed with Windows Server 2020. The server was then configured as a file server, allowing users to store and access files securely. File permissions and access controls were set up to ensure proper data security and user management.

Checkpoint Firewall Configuration

A Checkpoint firewall was deployed to provide network security and control. The firewall was configured to protect the network from unauthorized access and threats. Access rules were implemented to allow only authorized traffic to reach the file server.

VLAN Creation and Server Access VLAN Configuration

Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) were created to logically separate network segments. A specific VLAN was designated as the server access VLAN to ensure secure access to the file server. The VLAN was configured to provide the necessary network connectivity and access control for users.

Results and Benefits

The industrial-standard configuration for RAID, file server, and Checkpoint firewall with VLANs at CMD Trivandrum yielded several positive outcomes, including:


The successful implementation of an industrial-standard configuration for RAID, file server, and Checkpoint firewall with VLANs at CMD Trivandrum resulted in an efficient and secure infrastructure for file storage and access. The configuration provided data redundancy, improved performance, secure access control, and enhanced network security. This case study serves as an example of an industrial-standard configuration for organizations seeking optimized file storage and secure access control through the use of RAID, file servers, firewalls, and VLANs.

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