Industrial-Standard Configuration for Bare Metal Hypervisor, HMS VMs, and NAS Backup at Karakonam Medical College


Karakonam Medical College aimed to implement an industrial-standard configuration for their infrastructure, including a bare metal hypervisor, virtual machines (VMs) for Hospital Management System (HMS), and a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) backup solution. This case study outlines the actions taken to configure RAID, install VMware ESXi on Dell EMC servers, configure VMs for application and database purposes, install Windows Server 2019 on two VMs, establish connectivity between the VMs, and install and configure a NAS for backup purposes. The successful implementation resulted in an efficient and reliable infrastructure that supports the Hospital Management System and ensures data protection.

Scope of Work

The project’s scope involved the following key areas:

Actions Taken
RAID Configuration

RAID was configured to ensure data redundancy and improved performance. The specific RAID level and configuration were chosen based on the organization’s requirements and the available storage devices.

VMware ESXi Installation and VM Configuration

VMware ESXi was installed on Dell EMC servers to create a bare metal hypervisor environment. VMs were configured for application and database purposes, enabling efficient resource utilization and scalability

Windows Server 2019 Installation

Windows Server 2019 was installed on two VMs to support various services within the infrastructure. The installation involved configuring the necessary roles and features to meet the organization’s requirements

Connectivity Between VMs

Connectivity was established between the VMs to facilitate data transfer and communication. This configuration ensured seamless interaction between the application and database components of the Hospital Management System

NAS Installation and Configuration

A NAS was installed and configured to provide centralized storage and backup capabilities. The NAS solution was designed to ensure data protection and efficient recovery in the event of data loss or system failures.

Results and Benefits

The industrial-standard configuration for the bare metal hypervisor, HMS VMs, and NAS backup at Karakonam Medical College yielded several positive outcomes, including:


The successful implementation of an industrial-standard configuration for the bare metal hypervisor, HMS VMs, and NAS backup at Karakonam Medical College resulted in an efficient and reliable infrastructure. The configuration allowed for enhanced performance, reliable data storage, improved HMS functionality, and enhanced data protection. This case study serves as an example of an industrial-standard configuration for organizations seeking an optimized infrastructure that supports critical applications and ensures data protection through efficient backup and recovery processes.

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